30 August 2021

“He reveals deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, And light dwells with Him.”

Daniel 2:22 NKJV

How does God reveal deep and secret things?

To Whom does He reveal deep and secret things?

Revelation comes by prayer.

Revelation comes to those who pray.

In the New Testament, there are two men who had unmatched revelation – Paul and John. These were men of prayer. The apostle John’s revelation of Jesus on the isle of Patmos was a byproduct of prayer. The apostle Paul wrote half the New Testament. This too was a byproduct of prayer. We know the former assertion to be true because John said I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day. The latter assertion is true because Paul said I speak in tongues more than you all.

So prayer breeds revelation. When you pray, you receive revelation. Prayer doesn’t make God speak. Prayer makes man hear what God has spoken. We know this because Daniel interpreted what Nebuchadnezzar had already dreamt. God has already spoken through His Word. So prayer as a discipline is necessary in getting revelation of the Word. One of the benefits of being prayerful is understanding the Word of God.

What are deep things? What are secret things? Deep things are things that God has hidden. Secret things are things that man has hidden. In other words, deep things are spiritual things and secret things are natural things.

God gives revelation as pertains to spiritual as well as natural things. The deep thing in the context of this verse is the interpretation of the dream. The secret thing is the dream itself. It’s easy for believers to appreciate that God can give them revelation of the Word. But He can, does and will give revelation of the “natural” world. God will give you insights into your day to day life, your business, your marriage, your job, etc. So being prayerful helps you manifest genius in your life.

23 August 2021

“Luxury is not fitting for a fool, Much less for a servant to rule over princes.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭19:10‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
In the Christian world there is the doctrine that there is time between anointing and appointing. The time between anointing and appointing is due to the renewal of one’s mind. The quicker one can renew their mind, the quicker their appointing will be.

To be true to the New Covenant, you’re already anointed the day you received Christ. So what has been termed “anointing” is more accurately described as receiving a revelation of God’s plan for you. This revelation is usually through prophecy but it can also be through a dream or a vision (the interpretation of which are functions of the gift of prophecy) or through a word of knowledge. This revelation highlights one’s destiny.

There is said to be a time lag between this revelation of destiny and the manifestation of that destiny. For example, there is said to be a time lag between the prophecy that “David” shall be king and when “David” actually assumes the throne, if at all he does assume the throne. Put simply, it seems to take a while to get to the “promised land”.

What takes you to “the promised land” is not time but a renewal of the mind. The bridge between prophecy and fulfillment is mind renewal. If it seems like it’s taking long, it is because your mind has not yet been renewed.

What prophecies have you received? You must renew your mind for and in the fulfillment of these words. How? By meditating on God’s Word 24/7. So, the reason God’s promises in my life haven’t been fulfilled is because I haven’t meditated on them. Everyday, you must meditate on the promises of God. This will renew your mind and you will be transformed into who God told you you are. (Romans 12:2)